⁜Circuit Cozy System⁜'s avatar

⁜Circuit Cozy System⁜

Pronouns: they/them Fronting: Blurred/Fog (view)
(Member list)
:pixelnetemoji: Collective Infothey/them
- Circuit Cozy System, shortened to Circozy.sys or Circozy frequently.
- Also goes by Circuit or Cozy. Formerly IntraNet System.
- A queer DID system with currently ~41 members.
- 25 years old physically.

ask: Touch/hugs, nick/pet names, dms/friend requests, source talk.
some alters sensitive: Fictive & kin doubles.
partner(s) only: Flirting.
- We don’t engage with syscourse.
- Mutuals can ask for Simply Plural ID.

:ppf_globe: pk browser viewprns.ccour websitecurrent frontsystem dictionary